The luxury real estate deal between Manfredi Catella, CEO of Coima sgr (specialized in the management of real estate funds), and the Emirati company Emaar Properties, known for the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and with a portfolio of over 36 billion dollars, was concluded quickly. According to the article by Andrea Giacobino on Milan Finance, recently in Milan, in front of the notary Greta Rovida, the shareholders' meeting of Gaia srl was held, a company founded in October 2023 by Coima sgr through the Italian Residential Fund and by Eagle Hills Italy, controlled by the Dubai real estate group led by Mohamed Alabbar, founder of Emaar. The two parties each held 50% of the newco. During the meeting, the early liquidation of the company was decided, with the appointment of Massimiliano Di Maria as liquidator.
Gaia, whose chairman was Alabbar and whose board member Catella was a member, was created to develop high-end real estate projects. However, the early closure of Gaia is linked to the previous liquidation of Eagle Hills Italy, decided by the shareholders due to unsatisfactory results and unpromising future prospects. Eagle Hills Italy, with an initial capital of 100 thousand euros and controlled by Jaona Investment, appointed Khawatmi Mohamed Radwan as liquidator.
Coima sgr is controlled by Coima Holding (Ch), which in 2024 recorded an increase in profits in the first full year after the delisting of Coima Res, controlled by Qatar Holding. The latter holds 99,95% of Coima sgr and 1,41% of Coima Res. In the financial statements closed on May 31, Coima Holding reported a profit that more than doubled, going from 9,1 to 19,3 million euros, also thanks to dividends of 17 million from Coima sgr and 2,7 million from Coima Rem. Part of these profits were distributed to shareholders with a coupon of 8,9 million.
Coima Holding also owns 100% of Coima Ht and, during the year, invested 350 thousand euros in Tecma Solutions and acquired 4% of the start-up Habitech Accelerator, supported by Cdp Venture Capital sgr and other partners such as Novacapital of Paolo Merloni, Digital Magics and Coima sgr itself. Finally, last May, a partnership was signed with Illimity through an investment in the Abilio platform, managed by the banking group of Corrado Passera. This investment involved the transfer of 100% of Residenze Porta Nuova srl to Abilio for a value of 5 million euros, allowing Coima Holding to acquire an 18% share of Abilio, while Illimity holds the remaining 82%.