The historic Torre Velasca, the subject of restoration by Hines, has reached an occupancy rate of 80% with the new leasing agreements for retail and office spaces, respectively with Pasticceria San Carlo and International Workplace Group (Iwg) with the brand Signature. Hines European Value Fund (Hevf) is an investor in the Hevf Milan 1 fund currently managed by Prelios Sgr and owner of Torre Velasca, for which Hines Italy acts as development manager. After the leasing of the 72 serviced-apartments in the overhanging part of the Tower, the agreements for the surfaces for retail use are being finalized.
In addition to the announcement of the entry of two Sunset Hospitality restaurants, the historic Pasticceria San Carlo will now have approximately 300 square meters of space and will open its fifth store in Milan, overlooking the renovated square. Furthermore, after the announcements of the entry of Jakala, Studio Inzaghi and Excellera, Iwg has chosen Torre Velasca as its new headquarters and location in Milan with over 2.000 square meters divided over three floors (seventh, eighth and ninth), which will be occupied by Signature, a of the Iwg group which offers high-level hybrid working solutions to companies.
“In view of the next finalization, Torre Velasca confirms its high attractiveness, between heritage, innovation and a new urban and social dimension. The leasing of 80% of the spaces demonstrates that the important regeneration project in architectural, innovation and sustainability terms meets the requests of the most demanding realities of different sectors, both nationally and internationally" - he explains Mario Abbadessa, senior managing director & country head of Hines in Italy. Since Torre Velasca is unique in the real estate panorama and for its urban centrality, we conceived the project with a model aimed at enhancing the different souls that will enter it in synergy with each other and, above all, with the entire city, thanks to the opening of new open spaces to the public and a renovated square. This new dimension will contribute to making Torre Velasca alive, pulsating and dynamic, rediscovering both its original face and a new contemporary identity of social interconnection".
After about three years, it is coming to an end the renovation project of the tower designed by the Bbpr studio, carried out by the Asti architects studio in collaboration, from the colors of the facades to the 50s interiors up to the two historic street lamps in the square, with the Superintendency.