Luxury tourism is growing strongly, and the sector is being driven above all by the new generations, willing to pay up to 50% more for a quality, personalized proposal and the discovery of new destinations. This is the trend at the center of the analyses TTG Travel Experience monitor, a reference event for the promotion of global tourism Italian Exhibition Group which will be at the 9th to 11th October Fiera di Rimini.
“In an increasingly hyper-connected and digital world – recalls Gloria Armiri, head of the trade fair – what attracts tourists is an engaging travel method based on interaction with the identity of a place: in other words the search for authenticity, or of Veritas, the underlying theme of the 61st edition of our Ttg".
It is also big in the luxury market growth also the nautical tourism, a sector that will be one of the novelties of the 61st edition of TTG, with a focus dedicated exhibition. In Italy there are over 7.500 kilometers of coastline and in 2023 the Reservations have risen by 130% compared to 2022, while the average expense of Italians in the sector recorded a + 53 %, making pleasure boating one resource essential for the national tourism economy. The categories involved range from charter nautical to cruises, come on tourist ports to parks and coastal reserves, also involving skippers, courses for pleasure boats, diving, boat excursions and trade associations.
The trend towards the search for luxury was also confirmed by the most recent study by McKinsey & Company: in 2024 i international travel will reach the record number of 9 billion overnight stays, certifying full recovery after -75% in 2020. And looking to the future, spending of 2028 billion dollars (compared to the current 391) for luxury tourism is expected by 239 , of which 107 come from the new generations with excellent economic availability, i.e. with an income ranging from 100 thousand euros to a million dollars.